Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy establishes how your personal information is handled when you access the Exiro Digital website.

By accessing our website, you affirm that you are considered an adult in your place of residence.

Exiro Digital (referred to in this policy as we respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose and protect your information when you access our website, (referred to in this policy as this Site or our Site). Please take the time to read this Privacy Policy. Please do not access this Site if you disagree with any of the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We may amend this Privacy Policy for any reason, and at any time we deem fit. If we modify any part of this policy, we will alert you on this page that it has been updated. All amendments to this Privacy Policy will take effect immediately upon their posting on this Site.

Please stay updated by reviewing this Privacy Policy regularly. By continuing to use this Site, you express your agreement to and acceptance of the amendments made to the policy.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect information about you in different ways when you access this Site. The information we gather includes the following:

Derivative Data :

This refers to information automatically gathered by our servers when you visit our Site and includes your IP address, browser type, operating system, access times, and pages viewed immediately before and after your visit to this Site.

Use of Personal Information

We use information gathered about you through this Site to provide you with a customized experience and efficient service. Specifically, we use the information to:

  • deliver newsletters and other information
  • personalize your visits to this Site
  • compile anonymous statistical data for internal analysis or sharing with third parties
  • improve our operations
  • request feedback or contact you regarding your use of this Site.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose the information we have gathered about you under the following circumstances:

When required by law or to protect the rights of others :

We may share your information with the relevant authorities under the following circumstances:

  • when responding to a legal process
  • when investigating possible violations of our policies
  • when such violations threaten the rights, property, or safety of others
  • when required for credit risk reduction or fraud protection.

When acceding to third-party service provider requests :

We may share your information with third-party service providers when they require it to perform the following services for us: customer service, data analysis, email delivery, hosting services, marketing assistance, and payment processing. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties with whom you have shared your personal information. We also have no control over third-party solicitations. Please contact the third party directly if you no longer wish to receive any communications from them.

Protection of Personal Information

We use administrative, technical, and physical layers of security measures to protect your personal information. Please be aware, however, that no security system is perfect. Any information you disclose online can be accessed and misused by unauthorized parties. We can only guarantee our best efforts to protect your information. We cannot guarantee absolute security.

Cookies and Tracking

Our Site may use cookies and other tracking technologies to customize and improve your experience. These tracking technologies do not access your personal information. You may manage cookies by modifying your browser settings, but please be aware that rejecting all cookies may adversely affect this Site availability or functionality on your device.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding this Refund Policy, here are our contact details:
Phone: +4368120419012