
These Terms and Conditions are a legally binding agreement between you and the Exiro Digital (referred to as we ), governing your access to and use of the exirodigital.com website and all applications associated with the website (collectively referred to as this Site or our Site).

You agree that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and that by accessing the Site, you are bound by them. Please do not access this Site if you disagree with any of the Terms and Conditions.

We may amend these Terms and Conditions for any reason, and at any time we deem fit. If we modify any part of these Terms and Conditions, we will notify you of the change on this page. All amendments will take effect immediately upon their posting on this Site.

Please stay updated by reviewing these Terms and Conditions regularly. By continuing to use this Site, you express your agreement to and acceptance of the amendments made to these Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual Property Rights

All content on this website is intellectual property owned by the Exiro Digital and is protected by copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws. Material that we make available to the public may be viewed freely. Material available through subscription may be viewed only by subscribers. Copying or printing of any content from our website is permitted only for the following reasons:

  1. For personal use as a research source.
  2. For communicating or transacting with the Exiro Digital.
  3. For quoting in an article or review, provided that our website is appropriately cited as the source.

User Representations

By using this Site, you assert that the following are true:

  1. All personal information that you provide when you subscribe is complete and accurate.
  2. You are of legal age (18 and above).
  3. Your use of this Site is legal and authorized and does not violate any laws.

Prohibited Activities

You agree to use this Site only for the purposes we have made it available. You are prohibited from doing the following:

  1. Making unauthorized use of this Site, such as retrieving data from it or collecting usernames and email addresses by automated or other means.
  2. Using this Site to sell goods and services.
  3. Interfering with this Site security features by automated or other means.
  4. Defrauding or misleading this Site owners and users by any means.
  5. Uploading or transmitting, or attempting to upload or transmit, viruses, malware, and other material that interferes with or disrupts the functioning or maintenance of this Site.
  6. Using this Site in any other ways that violate applicable laws and regulations.

User-Generated Contributions

Your subscription to this Site entitles you to use its Discord server text, voice, and video channels. Your contributions will be accessible to other server users and may be shared with third parties. When you contribute comments, information, and other material to our Site, therefore, you agree to ensure the following:

  1. Your contributions do not infringe the intellectual property rights and any other proprietary rights of any third party, including any identifiable persons whose name or likeness you have included in your contributions.
  2. As owner and creator of your contributions, you authorize us, this Site, and users of this Site to use your contributions in any manner deemed fit by this Site as long as such use is not contrary to these Terms and Conditions and does not violate any laws.
  3. The information you provide in your contributions is factual and accurate.
  4. Your contributions are not any form of unauthorized advertising or solicitation.
  5. Your contributions do not use language that we deem inappropriate, indecent, defamatory, libelous, abusive, intimidating, offensive, or objectionable in any other way.
  6. Your contributions do not violate any laws, rules, or regulations.
  7. Your contributions do not violate the rights of others to privacy.

Site Management

We reserve the right to manage this Site in the manner we deem best for its proper functioning and the protection of our rights and property. In connection with this, we have the right, but not the obligation, to take the following steps:

  1. Monitor this Site for violations of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Suspend or terminate the membership of, or take appropriate legal action against, anyone who violates these Terms and Conditions.
  3. Refuse, limit access to, or disable user contributions and other files and content that may in any way burden or interfere with our systems.

We also reserve the right to revise, suspend, or discontinue this Site at any time or for any reason without prior notice.


This website is provided to users on an as-is and as-available basis. Your use of this Site and our services is at your discretion and risk. To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim responsibility for any tangible or intangible loss or damage resulting from your use of this Site or any interruption or cessation of transmission between your device and this Site.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding this Refund Policy, here are our contact details:
Phone: +4368120419012
Email: support@exirodigital.com